Writer, Author, Bond Fan

Tag: Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen

BIGGER THAN LIFE – KEN ADAM’S FILM DESIGN exhibition to open in Berlin

Ken-AdamThe art, craftsmanship and genius of production designer Ken Adam cannot be overlooked. Of course his legacy and links with the Bond films goes without question, but so too does the grip and influence he has to this day on film and public architectural design (London’s Canary Wharf is allegedly modelled on the Ken Adam style).

ken adam 2Opening in December and continuing until May 2015, BIGGER THAN LIFE – KEN ADAM’S FILM DESIGN is a new exhibition housed at Berlin’s Deutsche Kinemathek. In 2012 Adam gave his entire artistic output to the Deutsche Kinemathek – including more than 4000 drawings, personal documents, sketches and designs for such titles as GOLDFINGER, THE SPY WHO LOVED ME and MOONRAKER plus his non-Bond work including BARRY LYNDON, THE MADNESS OF KING GEORGE (for which Adam won the Oscar), ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES, DR STRANGELOVE and unused artwork for PLANET OF THE TITANS (which became STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE) and more.

“When you do a scribble and everything seems to work … that is the most exciting part“ – Ken Adam

A full catalogue accompanies the exhibition featuring essays by renowned authors on a diverse range of previously unexamined aspects of Adam’s career – such as the artistic roots of his Gesamtkunstwerk and his influence on art, design and architecture. The catalogue will be available to buy.


Deutsche Kinemathek / Dec 2014 – April 2015

For more on the Deutsche Kinemathek, click here.

Deutsche Kinemathek
Museum für Film und
Potsdamer Str. 2
10785 Berlin



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